
Source code for hfai.client.api.custom

import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from .api_config import get_mars_token as mars_token
from .api_config import get_mars_url as mars_url
from .training_api import node_name, task_id, rank
import requests
from traceback import format_exception
from .experiment_api import create_experiment

    import pynvml
    no_pynvml = False
    no_pynvml = True
IS_SIMULATE = os.environ.get('HFAI_SIMULATE', '0') == '1'

def _check_ib():
    ib_state_path = '/sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/ports/1/state'
    if os.path.exists(ib_state_path):
        with open(ib_state_path) as isf:
            status =
            if len(status) > 0 and status[0] == '4':
                return True
            print(f'ib check failed [{status}]')
    return False

def _check_ecc():
    # cpu 机器直接返回
    if no_pynvml or (not node_name().endswith('dl')):
        return True

    def ecc_count(_handle):
        return pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetTotalEccErrors(

    device_count = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount()
    if 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' in os.environ:  # 这样会很快
        if os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']: # 如果没有设定
            for i in os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'].split(','):
                if int(i) < device_count:
                    handle = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(int(i))
                    if ecc_count(handle) != 0:
                        return False
            return True
        return True
        for i in range(device_count):
            handle = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i)
            if ecc_count(handle) != 0:
                return False
        return True

def _parse_kern_time(line):
        return datetime.strptime(f"{} {' '.join(line.split()[:3])}", "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S")
    except:  # 如果解析不了,默认时间为一天之前,也就是忽略本条
        return - timedelta(days=1)

def _magic_filter(line):
    if 'Xid' not in line:
        return False
    for magic_n in ['63', '64', '45', '43', '31']:
        if f': {magic_n}' in line:
            return False
    return True

def _check_kern():
    with open('/var/log/kern/kern.log', 'rb') as f:
        total_len =, 2)
        offset = 50  # 本次看的长度
        while True:
            if total_len <= offset:  # 看的长度不应该超过总长度
                offset = total_len
  , 2)
            rst =
            if rst.count('\n') > 1:  # 存在完整的一行
                first_idx = rst.find('\n')
                second_idx = rst.find('\n', first_idx + 1)
                if ( - _parse_kern_time(rst[first_idx + 1: second_idx])).total_seconds() > 5 * 60:  # 看的内容已经超过5分钟了
            if total_len == offset:  # 看完了
            offset *= 2  # 下次看的长度翻倍

        for line in reversed(rst.split('\n')):  # 所有行都拎出来看下
            if 'NVRM' in line and _magic_filter(line) and ( - _parse_kern_time(line)).total_seconds() < 5 * 60:
                print('该机器的kern log报了NVRM错误,尝试重启,kern 日志如下:')
                return {
                    'passed': False,
                    'msg': 'kern log存在NVRM; '
            if 'check_quota_exceeded' in line and ( - _parse_kern_time(line)).total_seconds() < 5 * 60:
                print('该机器的kern log报了ceph quota exceeded,尝试重启,kern 日志如下:')
                return {
                    'passed': False,
                    'msg': 'ceph quota exceeded; '
    return {
        'passed': True,
        'msg': ''

[docs]def self_health_check(pid=os.getpid()): """ 对当前机器做系统检查,检查通过会退出该任务,检查失败会重启该任务 :param pid: :return: """ if os.environ.get('MARSV2_TASK_TYPE', '') != 'training': return hw_check_pass = 1 err_msg = '' if not _check_ib(): hw_check_pass = 0 err_msg += 'ib 报错; ' try: if not _check_ecc(): hw_check_pass = 0 err_msg += 'ecc报错; ' except Exception as e: hw_check_pass = 0 err_msg += f'ecc检查出错,请管理员检查: {e}; ' try: rst = _check_kern() if not rst['passed']: hw_check_pass = 0 err_msg += rst['msg'] except: pass res = f'{mars_url()}/operating/fail_task?token={mars_token()}&id={task_id()}&rank={rank()}&hw_check_pass={hw_check_pass}&err_msg={err_msg}') err_msg += '重启' if err_msg else '关闭' print(f"[{pid}] 任务 {err_msg} 请求{'成功' if res.status_code == 200 and res.json()['success'] == 1 else '失败'}")
def hf_sys_excepthook(*args, **kwargs): pid = os.getpid() if IS_SIMULATE: print(f'[{pid}] 模拟调用到了 hfai 的异常绑定') raise if os.environ.get('MARSV2_TASK_TYPE', '') != 'training': raise sys.__excepthook__(*args, **kwargs) self_health_check(pid) os._exit(1)
[docs]def bind_hf_except_hook(f): """ 该函数用于将 Process 类绑定异常 hook,在子进程发生异常时通知 server 将其强行关闭,并启动自我检查,发现硬件故障重启该任务 Args: f (class): 传进来的 Process 类 Examples: >>> from hfai.client import bind_hf_except_hook >>> from torch.multiprocessing import Process >>> bind_hf_except_hook(Process) """ def my_except_hook(e: Exception, ttype, tvalue, ttraceback): pid = os.getpid() if IS_SIMULATE: print(f'[{pid}] 模拟调用到了 hfai 的异常绑定') raise if os.environ.get('MARSV2_TASK_TYPE', '') != 'training': raise sys.stderr.write(''.join(format_exception(ttype, tvalue, ttraceback))) self_health_check(pid) os._exit(1) def try_except(f): def handle_problems(*args, **kwargs): try: f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: my_except_hook(e, *sys.exc_info()) return handle_problems setattr(f, 'run', try_except(getattr(f, 'run')))
create_experiment_v2 = create_experiment __all__ = ['self_health_check', 'bind_hf_except_hook', 'create_experiment_v2', 'hf_sys_excepthook']